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  • Mac OS 10.14.6 Intel Iris/ Intel Core i5. Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed. Mac OS X (x8664) version 10.14.6 Java Version: 1.8.074, Oracle Corporation Java.

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655+ File Extensions Full Forms

When we are discussing file extensions, computer thought will automatically come on our mind because of extension is used only for computer files and program. Here you get all the important File Extension Full Forms List and Acronym. also, here you find Structured Human Focused Abbreviations, Reference, and Initialism with category of different areas.

File Extension Full Forms List

AcronymFull Forms
.DOCMicrosoft Word Document
.DOCXMicrosoft Word Open XML Document
.LOGLog File
.MSGOutlook Mail Message
.ODTOpenDocument Text Document
.PAGESPages Document
.RTFRich Text Format File
.TEXLaTeX Source Document
.TXTPlain Text File
.WPDWordPerfect Document
.WPSMicrosoft Works Word Processor Document

DATA File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.CSVComma Separated Values File
.DATData File
.GEDGEDCOM Genealogy Data File
.KEYKeynote Presentation
.KEYCHAINMac OS X Keychain File
.PPSPowerPoint Slide Show
.PPTPowerPoint Presentation
.PPTXPowerPoint Open XML Presentation
.SDFStandard Data File
.TARConsolidated Unix File Archive
.TAX2016TurboTax 2016 Tax Return
.TAX2018TurboTax 2018 Tax Return
.VCFvCard File

AUDIO File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.AIFAudio Interchange File Format
.IFFInterchange File Format
.M3UMedia Playlist File
.M4AMPEG-4 Audio File
.MP3MP3 Audio File
.MPAMPEG-2 Audio File
.WAVWAVE Audio File
.WMAWindows Media Audio File

VIDEO File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.3G23GPP2 Multimedia File
.3GP3GPP Multimedia File
.ASFAdvanced Systems Format File
.AVIAudio Video Interleave File
.FLVFlash Video File
.M4ViTunes Video File
.MOVApple QuickTime Movie
.MP4MPEG-4 Video File
.MPGMPEG Video File
.RMRealMedia File
.SRTSubRip Subtitle File
.SWFShockwave Flash Movie
.VOBDVD Video Object File
.WMVWindows Media Video File

3D IMAGE File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.3DMRhino 3D Model
.3DS3D Studio Scene
.MAX3ds Max Scene File
.OBJWavefront 3D Object File

RASTER IMAGE File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.BMPBitmap Image File
.DDSDirectDraw Surface
.GIFGraphical Interchange Format File
.HEICHigh-Efficiency Image Format
.JPGJoint Photographic Experts Group
.PNGPortable Network Graphic
.PSDAdobe Photoshop Document
.PSIMAGEPaintShop Pro Image
.TGATarga Graphic
.THMThumbnail Image File
.TIFTagged Image File
.TIFFTagged Image File Format
.YUVYUV Encoded Image File

VECTOR IMAGE File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.AIAdobe Illustrator File
.EPSEncapsulated PostScript File
.SVGScalable Vector Graphics File

PAGE LAYOUT File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.INDDAdobe InDesign Document
.PCTPicture File
.PDFPortable Document Format File

SPREADSHEET File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.XLRWorks Spreadsheet
.XLSExcel Spreadsheet
.XLSXMicrosoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet

DATABASE File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.ACCDBAccess 2007 Database File
.DBDatabase File
.DBFDatabase File
.MDBMicrosoft Access Database
.PDBProgram Database
.SQLStructured Query Language Data File

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EXECUTABLE File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.APKAndroid Package File
.APPmacOS Application
.BATDOS Batch File
.CGICommon Gateway Interface Script
.COMDOS Command File
.EXEWindows Executable File
.GADGETWindows Gadget
.JARJava Archive File
.WSFWindows Script File

GAMES File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.BGrand Theft Auto 3 Saved Game File
.DEMVideo Game Demo File
.GAMSaved Game File
.NESNintendo (NES) ROM File
.ROMN64 Game ROM File
.SAVSaved Game

CAD File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.DWGAutoCAD Drawing Database File
.DXFDrawing Exchange Format File

GIS File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.GPXGPS Exchange File
.KMLKeyhole Markup Language File
.KMZGoogle Earth Placemark File

WEB File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.ASPActive Server Page
.ASPXActive Server Page Extended File
.CERInternet Security Certificate
.CFMColdFusion Markup File
.CSRCertificate Signing Request File
.CSSCascading Style Sheet
.DCRShockwave Media File
.HTMHypertext Markup Language File
.HTMLHypertext Markup Language File
.JSJavaScript File
.JSPJava Server Page
.PHPPHP Source Code File
.RSSRich Site Summary
.XHTMLExtensible Hypertext Markup Language File

PLUGIN File Extension Full Forms List

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KeywordFull Forms
.CRXChrome Extension
.PLUGINMac OS X Plugin

FONT File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.FNTWindows Font File
.FONGeneric Font File
.OTFOpenType Font
.TTFTrueType Font

SYSTEM File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.CABWindows Cabinet File
.CPLWindows Control Panel Item
.CURWindows Cursor
.DESKTHEMEPACKWindows 8 Desktop Theme Pack File
.DLLDynamic Link Library
.DMPWindows Memory Dump
.DRVDevice Driver
.ICNSmacOS Icon Resource File
.ICOIcon File
.LNKWindows File Shortcut
.SYSWindows System File

SETTING File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.CFGConfiguration File
.INIWindows Initialization File
.PRFOutlook Profile File

ENCODED File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.HQXBinHex 4.0 Encoded File
.MIMMulti-Purpose Internet Mail Message File
.UUEUuencoded File

COMPRESSED File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.7Z7-Zip Compressed File
.CBRComic Book RAR Archive
.DEBDebian Software Package
.GZGnu Zipped Archive
.PKGMac OS X Installer Package
.RARWinRAR Compressed Archive
.RPMRed Hat Package Manager File
.SITXStuffIt X Archive
.TARCompressed Tarball File
.ZIPZipped File
.ZIPXExtended Zip File

DISK IMAGE File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.BINBinary Disc Image
.CUECue Sheet File
.DMGMac OS X Disk Image
.ISODisc Image File
.MDFMedia Disc Image File
.TOASTToast Disc Image
.VCDVirtual CD

DEVELOPER File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.CC/C++ Source Code File
.CLASSJava Class File
.CPPC++ Source Code File
.CSC# Source Code File
.DTADocument Type Definition File
.FLAAdobe Animate Animation
.HC/C++/Objective-C Header File
.JAVAJava Source Code File
.LUALua Source File
.MObjective-C Implementation File
.PLPerl Script
.PYPython Script
.SHBash Shell Script
.SLNVisual Studio Solution File
.SWIFTSwift Source Code File
.VBVisual Basic Project Item File
.VCXPROJVisual C++ Project
.XCODEPROJXcode Project

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BACKUP File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.BAKBackup File
.TMPTemporary File

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MISC File Extension Full Forms List

KeywordFull Forms
.CRDOWNLOADChrome Partially Downloaded File
.ICSCalendar File
.MSIWindows Installer Package
.PARTPartially Downloaded File
.TORRENTBitTorrent File

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ALL File Extension Full Forms

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KeywordFull Forms
.mp3MPEG Audio Layer 3
.docxDocument (without Macros)
.docmDocument (with Macros)
.pptPowerPoint Presentation
.csvComma Separated Values
.pdfPortable Document Format
.gifGraphics Interchange Format
.xdAdobe XD Document
.mpegMoving Picture Experts Group
.wmvWindows Media Video
.flvFlash Video
.aviAudio Video Interleave
.mp4MPEG Layer 4
.psdPhotoshop Document
.aiIllustrator Document
.cdrCorel Draw Document
.sketchSketch Document
.asfAdvanced Systems Format
.rarIt is a archive file format that supports data compression
.divXDigital Video Express (DivX-encoded Movie)
.aiffAudio Interchange File Format
.bmpWindows Bitmap
.m3uMoving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer 3 Uniform Resource Locator This file format is like an extension for Mp3 as it is used in it.
.wavWaveform PCM Audio
.wmaWindows Media Audio
.bwfBroadcast Wave Format
.datDigital Audio Tape
.vueVue.js (Document)
.pyPython Document (File)
.tsTypeScript (Document)
.jsJavascript (Document)
.subSubtitle File
.meReadme Text File
.fdrFinal Draft Document
.batMicrosoft’s Batch Processing